Monday, 14 December 2009

Swindale Parks are 18!

Wow! Swindale Parks is 18! It seems like only yesterday I joined a very young company with big plans and the collective ambition to make it happen. Some years later here we are, a fully grown Sales, Marketing & Creative recruitment company, still full of ambition working hard to 'make it happen' for our job seekers and client companies. The graduation to adulthood hasn’t come without its challenges (particularly over the last 12 months) but we are stronger for them and are now even better placed to face those we will inevitably encounter in the future. All together now, Happy Birthday Swindale Parks and here’s to many, many more!

Thursday, 26 November 2009

We have a winner by a knockout

Once again our caption competition drew a fantastic response. We must thank everyone who took the time to enter, we are only sorry there is only one prize on offer! We received some bizarre, some very amusing and some potentially libellous entries and after much deliberation we are pleased to announce the winner by a unanimous decision and the recipient of a ‘superb’ three course lunch for two people at Brockencote Hall is Matt Thompson from Bromsgrove with,

“If you think I’m ugly, you should see my twin sister”

Many congrats to Matt, hope you enjoy your meal, and thanks to everyone else for participating – better luck next time!

Monday, 16 November 2009

Swindale Parks Recruitment News: Win a meal for 2......

Swindale Parks Recruitment News: Win a meal for 2......

Win a meal for 2......

What is the handsome Nikolay Valuev saying in the presence of our very own World heavyweight boxing champion David Haye.

“Yes I did knit this jumper myself”, perhaps!?!

A ‘superb’ three course lunch for two people at Brockencote Hall is up for grabs for the person who comes up for the most ingenious caption.

All entries need to be in by Monday 23rd November 2009, so don’t delay, enter today.

Thursday, 29 October 2009

Swindale Parks Recruitment News: Feeling under valued?

Swindale Parks Recruitment News: Feeling under valued?

Feeling under valued?

Feeling under valued? You are not the only one a recent salary survey by Croner Reward indicates Midlands based Marketing professionals are not being rewarded in line with their peers from other parts of the country. The contrast in salary is most notable at Marketing Director level, where believe it or not if you work in the Midlands you can expect to earn 8.7% less than the national average! The same phenomena is true throughout the marketing discipline, so whether your current job role is Marketing Assistant, Account Manager, Marketing Manager etc the likelihood is you are being underpaid - compared to other marketing professionals in equivalent roles around the country.

What can you do to improve your financial situation? A professional qualification or membership will certainly help, according to the same research. Marketing professionals with a qualification from the CIM typically earn 12% more than those without in similar positions. Why not visit the Chartered Institute of Marketing website for further information on suitable courses. However, if your current employer simply won’t or can’t match your market valueperhaps the time has come to look at opportunities further afield and Swindale Parks can help you find one that will. Once we have identified your next potential employer from the long list of premier companies that we have relationships with, your challenge is to demonstrate the value you can add and secure that salary increase! Well it may not be quite that straightforward but you can be assured you will have Swindale Parks full support from the beginning to the end of your job search. Give us a call to talk about improving your career prospects…it’s what we do.

Of course if you simply don’t know if you are underpaid and are looking for someguidancewhy not speak to one of our consultants on 0121 585 6079 or drop us an email we will be delighted to hear from you.

Thursday, 15 October 2009

The Perfect CV Everytime....

I have been working in sales & marketing recruitment for 13 years and without doubt the question I am asked more often than any other by job seekers is “What do you think of my CV?” If I am honest, it is a question that always catches me on the hop and my response, as well as generally being politician like in its tenor, usually includes the phrase “well it got you in front of me!” I sometimes think this sounds a little glib (it’s not meant to) but on reflection it may be a clue to unlocking the secret of the Perfect CV.

With application rates currently higher than ever, landing your ideal sales, marketing or creative job is a real challenge. To do so you will need to be at the very top of your game at every stage of the process, including and perhaps most importantly when it comes to writing your CV. Why? Have heard the cliché “you have to be in it to win it”; well never could a truer word be said than of the recruitment process and a well written CV is your way in! A document that grabs the attention of your reader and motivates them to act positively, rather than simply putting it on the ever growing reject pile, means you are into the mix.

Does the perfect CV really exist and if so what defines it – simply put it is a CV that guarantees you a call back or, even better, an interview - nothing more nothing less. If you have spent hours deliberating over which font to use you have probably wasted your time - so long as it is clear and easy on the eye it doesn’t really matter if you use Arial or Avenir LT 55 Roman. When it comes to your CV, content is king and style is absolutely no substitute for substance.

Presentation plays a part but your CV is not a work of art to be admired, put in a glossy binder and treated with reverence. It is, or should be, a working document, dynamic, flexible, never finished (until your career is over) and most importantly, whatever your reader needs it to be to assist their decision making, which may mean it needs to change on an application by application basis. Think of your CV as a means to an end, if you can get into this mindset you are on your way to creating something that passes for the Perfect CV.

If we accept the function of your CV is to get you in front of the interviewer, what can we do to increase our chances? Make the readers job easy for them; simply tell them what they want to hear. This doesn’t mean fabricating the truth, far from it, it means what information about you will be of greatest value to your potential employer - identify and emphasise that. If you do this, how could the reader, who will undoubtedly be wading through a whole host of applications resist adding you to the “yes” list. Making the effort to tailor your CV may sound like a lot of work but greatly increasing your application to interview ratio will surely justify the time invested. After all we are talking about some minor editing, a few key phrases, bullet points or work examples, not starting from scratch time after time. It is also worth considering if you are struggling to identify reasons why you are suitable for a particular role, that maybe you shouldn’t be applying for it in the first place? It is easier than ever to make applications, particularly online but this in itself isn’t a good enough reason to adopt a blanket approach to sending out your CV however keen you are to move your career forward. Also no one enjoys rejection, so reduce the possibility by making less but higher quality applications.

So does the perfect CV exist? Yes but like anything of beauty never for very long, or until your next application.
For more advice or assistance with your job search contact a specialist sales or marketing consultant via email or on 0121 585 6079

Monday, 7 September 2009

Swindale Parks Recruitment joins 10:10

Swindale Parks Recruitment has joined 10:10 today and we would encourage you to do so too. By committing to cut your emissions by 10% in 2010, you will join thousands of people, schools, hospitals, businesses and organisations all actively helping to combat climate change by making simple changes to their lifestyles, homes and workplaces. If we in the UK can prove that fast, deep cuts can be made at a national level, then we may just inspire all the other big polluting countries to follow suit.

Thursday, 27 August 2009

Keep up to date with Facebook

No more is there the need for furtive glances at the Swindale Parks website whilst your boss's back is turned. You can now keep fully up to date with the latest jobs, news and general goings on at Swindale Parks through your facebook account.

First Day Nerves......

However experienced we are from time to time we all get nervous, particularly when starting a new job. Here are a few tips to beat your ‘newbie’ nerves and to help create the right impression on day one.

1. Plan your journey. Yes you have been there before for interview, but was it during rush hour? Set out early to ensure you arrive feeling calm, collected and ready to face the challenge of a new working environment.
2. Smile! It helps you break down barriers with your new colleagues who may also feel uneasy meeting you for the first time. You will also portray yourself as friendly and approachable.
3. Make an effort to remember people’s names: repeat people’s names when they introduce themselves – this will help you both remember them and form a bond with the new people you are to work with.
4. Show enthusiasm! You know how pleased you were to be offered your ideal sales or marketing job, now it’s up to you to ensure everyone sees you as a great new member of the team and looks forward to working with you.
5. Be nice to everyone: you won’t know who everyone is on your first day so take time to be friendly to all new faces. The “receptionist” may turn out to be your new boss. Equally possible is that the receptionist is best friends with your new boss, and will be asked for feedback on your attitude

We hope these help but remember there is no substitute for over target performance in the long term! You may also be interested in reading our interview
Top Tips. Source of article

Do you Twitter

Do you Twitter? Seems everyone is at it these days Lance Armstrong, Andy Murray, Richard Branson, Snoop Dogg (fo shizzle) and even our very own government If you are partial to a tweet and have a Twitter account, be sure to follow us and our latest jobs @SwindaleParks

Seek and we will find.......

Midlands employers who are struggling to find good quality sales, marketing and creative job seekers should look to specialist recruiters for assistance. Well what else would you expect all at Swindale Parks to say! Except we didn't say this, these are the findings of a recent joint survey by the CBI and accountants KPMG. The research, conducted recently discovered that 40% of the Midlands businesses are having problems recruiting the right Sales, Marketing & Creative talent.

As it has been for a number of years a skills shortage remains an Achilles' heel for the region. Even though
jobs are being lost and recruiter demand has fallen, Midlands businesses are complaining that whilst they aren’t short of applicants they are struggling to find the right calibre of job seeker to fill their vacancy.

Research aside and whatever the economic outlook at
Swindale Parks we firmly believe that as a specialist Sales, Marketing & Creative recruitment agency we can bridge the skills gap and find the right candidates, whilst allowing our clients to do what they are best at focus on their business.If you have a sales, marketing or creative vacancy you would like to brief us on why not give one of the team a call on 0121 585 6079, alternatively you can email us your job description here.
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