Monday, 24 November 2008

ABC - Always Be Closing

"So, when do I start?" A question like that is about as blunt as you can get at the tail end of the interview and whilst it may not be subtle it certainly gets to the point of what the interview is really about. Closing an interview shouldn’t just be considered the remit of sales professionals; it is really an exercise in common sense, not clever sales technique.

Closing isn’t necessarily about walking away with a job offer; it certainly isn’t about brow beating your interviewer into submission! It is however about understanding how you have performed and what happens next – what could be more common sense than that? Having invested all that effort researching the company, money in getting to the interview and time preparing yourself to perform to the best of your ability, why would you walk away from the meeting without knowing where you stand? If you can do that, you are closing and if you are closing your taking positive steps towards securing the job you want!
For more advice or assistance with your job search contact a specialist sales or marketing consultant via email or on 0121 585 6079
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