Monday, 1 December 2008

Monday, 24 November 2008

ABC - Always Be Closing

"So, when do I start?" A question like that is about as blunt as you can get at the tail end of the interview and whilst it may not be subtle it certainly gets to the point of what the interview is really about. Closing an interview shouldn’t just be considered the remit of sales professionals; it is really an exercise in common sense, not clever sales technique.

Closing isn’t necessarily about walking away with a job offer; it certainly isn’t about brow beating your interviewer into submission! It is however about understanding how you have performed and what happens next – what could be more common sense than that? Having invested all that effort researching the company, money in getting to the interview and time preparing yourself to perform to the best of your ability, why would you walk away from the meeting without knowing where you stand? If you can do that, you are closing and if you are closing your taking positive steps towards securing the job you want!
For more advice or assistance with your job search contact a specialist sales or marketing consultant via email or on 0121 585 6079

Thursday, 23 October 2008

Solving your people puzzles............

Swindale Parks are pleased to announce we have partnered with Thomas International, the globally recognised provider of objective management systems, psychometric analysis and business assessment tools. Combining our 20 year experience of Sales, Marketing & Creative recruitment and Thomas’s unrivalled understanding of behavioral assessment (they complete nearly one million assessments per year by the way) will undoubtedly further improve the quality & value of the service we are able to offer clients and candidates alike.
We have long taken great pride in getting to know our recruiting managers and job seekers & developing a thorough understanding of their needs, adding Thomas’s full range of services to our offering will further enhance our ability to do this. With the tools we now have at our disposal not only will we be able to advise on the more tangible aspects of a client’s requirement, but also the behavioral characteristics required in the successful candidate. All of this is, of course, aimed at improving our chances of delivering an appropriate solution. Peter Cash said “the benefits extend beyond simply aiding the recruitment process, as it also has implications for clients to help improve retention, succession planning & appraisal, and for individuals to aid personal & professional development. To find out more contact your consultant.

Monday, 6 October 2008

Killer Interview Questions........

Swindale Parks' Top Tips to help you secure your next Sales or Marketing & Creative job...........

Picture the scene - the interview is going well, you are getting on famously with the interviewer and a job offer is so close that you can almost smell it - surely nothing can stop you fulfilling your destiny and claiming your prize!! Wrong – you haven’t allowed for the killer interview question!!! Every interviewer has one, a favourite ‘teaser’ designed to test your ability to think on the spot and react under pressure. The killer question will be the straw that breaks the camel’s back for many an unsuspecting interviewee – make sure you are not one of them. To ensure you don’t come unstuck with the finishing line in sight think about the kind of questions you may be asked and even rehearse your answers. Here are a few of our favourites……

1. What is your biggest weakness and how do you manage it?
2. What is your greatest strength and give me an example of how you have exploited it to your benefit?
3. Who will you miss most when you leave your current employer and why?
4. What do you have to offer that the other applicants don’t?
5. What value will you add to my business?
6. I think you are over qualified for this job?
7. What would your priorities be in your first 12 months of the role?
8. I don’t think you can do the job. Do you agree?
9. Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
10. Describe a difficult situation you handled well??
11. Describe a difficult situation you handled badly?
12. Define profitability?

And our personal favourite and aptly numbered……..

13. What’s 30% of 90!!!

How you respond is just as important as what you say, your preparation will allow you to be calm, relaxed and considered when put on the spot. Rather than appearing to jump in feet first and blurt out the first thing that comes to mind. Take a moment to collect your thoughts before confidently delivering your upbeat, positive answer.

PS – if you can’t work out what 30% of 90 is don’t guess and don’t prolong the agony – be honest and move on. The interviewer will appreciate your candour.

For more advice or assistance with your job search contact a specialist sales or marketing consultant via email or on 0121 585 6079

Things not to do at interview........

Swindale Parks' Top Tips to help you secure your next Sales or Marketing & Creative job...........

If you are smartly presented, adhere to basic social etiquette and contribute sensibly to a progressive meeting then you are well on your way to your new sales or marketing job. However there are some blunders to avoid:

Don’t be late, but if you can’t avoid it make the call – and don’t say it’s because you overslept!
Don’t drop your guard - your interviewer may be relaxed but you need to keep your wits about you - so, answer questions concisely, without waffling, and maintain a professional body posture at all times.
Don’t think you can wing it; preparation is a must – if you know very little about your prospective future employer then this just makes you look ignorant (and quite frankly you don’t deserve to receive a job offer).
Don’t be negative, especially about former employers or bosses, this is always frowned upon.
Don’t lie – by all means emphasise the positive and minimize the negative, but most important of all be honest.
Don’t dress down – if you look the part then you’ll feel the part, and if you feel the part you’ll perform well in the interview. The shinier your shoes the more confident you’ll feel – trust me. How many times have you heard the adage “first impressions count”.
Don’t try and dominate the meeting - but play your part – afterall, interviewing is a two way process. Ask the interviewer questions that will enable ‘you’ to decide whether you want to work for him or her.
Don’t provide a reference from a disgruntled former employer or colleague – choose someone who has lots of positive things to say about you.
Don’t forget to close! Sales person or not why walk away from the meeting not understanding how you have performed? Ask the interviewer the direct question, “am I the kind of person you are looking for?” You have the perfect opportunity, as they are sat right in front of you- don’t leave it to chance!

Thursday, 4 September 2008

Great First Impression.........

Swindale Parks' Top Tips to help you secure your next Sales or Marketing & Creative job...........
The interview is in full swing and having made a great first impression how do you maintain your momentum? Perhaps surprisingly we feel it’s not just about impressing your interviewer with your insightful answers to those tricky questions being posed, you can contribute to a successful outcome for both parties by taking a proactive role in the meeting. How? Firstly you may need to change how you view the interview process, think of it as a two way street. It is as much a chance for you to ask questions about your interviewer, the role and the company as it is for them to quiz you – more of an exchange of information than an interrogation.

Having made this change in thinking just how are you going to achieve what you want out of the meeting? Preparation is the key, arriving at the interview with a list of suitable questions is always a good start, by suitable we mean the kind of questions that will increase your understanding of the role etc and not “How long do I get for lunch?” or “What are the working hours?” Also try to integrate your questions into the discussion rather than treating them as a script, simply reading them out can effect the flow of the conversation and whilst help you gather important information may quickly erode any rapport that has been developed between you and the interviewer. Remember your objective as well as promoting your own features and benefits is to find out everything you need to know that will allow you to make a considered decision about whether you progress your application further. Your questions will not only do this but they also demonstrate your interest in the opportunity and say something positive about how you conduct yourself in a business situation.

For more advice or assistance with your job search contact a specialist sales or marketing consultant via email or on 0121 585 6079

Thursday, 7 August 2008

Swindale Parks Recruitment website MkII

The eagle eyed amongst you may have noticed that over the last couple of weeks Swindale Parks Recruitment have been making some changes to our website. Inspired by the feedback we gathered earlier in the year, mark II of our 3rd generation site is now up and running. Some of the changes made are so subtle that you may not have noticed, but all have been implemented with one thing in mind to ensure we offer sales, marketing & creative candidates and all of our clients a first class recruitment experience. Have we succeeded? We hope so, if you don’t agree please let us know we’re all for a bit of constructive criticism!

A big thank you must also go to all at Clever Cherry who have masterminded the changes, implemented them seamlessly and of course their patience!

Monday, 4 August 2008

Covering Letter.............

Swindale Parks' Top Tips to help you secure your next Sales or Marketing & Creative job...........

First impressions count

Your covering letter has captured the imagination, your CV has aroused their interest now all you have to do is back up all that you have promised at interview - unfortunately all of your hard work could be undone in a matter of seconds! It is a commonly held belief that the opinions we form about people are done so within a minute of meeting them, so this is a vital time in the interview and could determine whether you sink or swim.

So, first and foremost make sure you look and feel the part. Pride in your personal appearance will only have a positive effect on your confidence levels. Think about your introduction, and prepare to deliver it with confidence and with a smile – “hello………, it’s a pleasure meeting you” – is a safe bet. Plan to arrive 10 minutes early, having to start an interview with “I’m so sorry for being late”, is to be avoided at all costs. Of course if you are running late through no fault of your own then let your interviewer know.

Making a positive “first impression” is essential and will set the scene for a positive interview experience BUT alone it won’t secure you the role…….we’ll come on to that

For more advice or assistance with your job search contact a specialist sales or marketing consultant via email or on 0121 585 6079

Thursday, 17 July 2008

Swindale Parks Recruitment's Top Tips

Swindale Parks' Top Tips to help you secure your next Sales or Marketing & Creative job...........

Some consider them old fashioned and unnecessary, but a well worded ‘covering letter’ can set you apart from your job seeking competitors. The trend it appears is to send out as many CV’s as possible with no real thought as to why you are suitable for each of the roles applied for. An effective covering letter should make it easy for the recruiter to understand why you are applying and why you are suitable for the role. If you aren’t able to justify this to yourself maybe you should reconsider your application (see Top Tip No. 2)

For more advice or assistance with your job search contact a specialist sales or marketing consultant via email or on 0121 585 6079

Monday, 7 July 2008

Girls V Boys

This past month saw an Apprentice inspired Girls V Boys competition at Swindale Parks. I would like to say it was nip and tuck right up to the final whistle, but after an inspired start the boys dreams of tucking into an all you can eat feast at The Fountain Inn, Clent sadly faded like Andy Murray’s Wimbledon dreams!

The competition was conducted in a fantastic spirit bringing out the best in everyone, but in the end there could only be one winner. So whilst the girls claimed and consumed their well earned prize, the boys had to make do with sandwiches and manning the phones back at the office. Well done Girls, your victory was well deserved but you know what they say revenge is sweet and the boys will be looking to level the score at the next opportunity!

If good food, good service and good value is your thing, we recommend you try The Fountain (01562-883286) – you’ll be blown away by the Pan Fried Scallops wrapped in Parma Ham followed by Rum Truffle Torte. My mouth is watering just thinking about it!

Thursday, 12 June 2008

You're Hired..................

The Swindale Parks office is divided and I don’t just mean the partitions between the sales and marketing teams but over Sir Alan’s decision to utter the immortal words “you’re hired” to former Recruitment Consultant Lee McQueen to wrap up the fourth series of The Apprentice.

I don’t want to enter the debate about Lee’s honesty and integrity after his CV aberration was revealed in week 11 as the same concerns could easily be levelled at many of the contestants at some point or other during the interview process – I am sure you remember the ‘kosher’ chicken debacle!

Where we are united is in the sheer delight we take from watching the process unfold. Realistic selection process it is not, great entertainment it is. With the show it seems becoming less and less about business talent and more and more about entertainment, just like any other reality television show it offers us an opportunity to indulge in the guilty pleasure we take from watching people make a spectacle of themselves. A less than savoury aspect of the show is the back biting and infighting which has reached new levels this year. If the business wannabes aren’t spouting hyperbole about their own abilities they seem more focussed on undermining the efforts of others, rather than demonstrating their own business acumen to Sir Alan and the ever watchful and increasingly vocal Nick and Margaret. Will this stop us watching it again next year? Of course not, but maybe the BBC should consider call it “I’d do anything” or has that already been done?

Thursday, 5 June 2008

Rejection Rate.............

Being rejected by companies is disappointing and frustrating. Reduce your rejection rate by applying for positions that fit your skills and experience. Don’t apply to be a head chef at a Michelin stared restaurant if you’ve got 6 months experience at a fast food outlet. Swindale Parks are all for ambition and career advancement but be realistic about the kind of jobs that you can and can’t do. You can waste a lot time and positive energy applying for jobs that you are unsuitable for. Recruitment is a costly process meaning most recruiters will work to strict selection parameters, giving them little room to think as creatively as you.

For more advice or assistance with your job search contact a specialist Sales or Marketing consultant on 0121 585 6079

Friday, 30 May 2008

Job seeking Top Tips............

Swindale Parks' Top Tips to helping you secure your next Sales or Marketing job..........
Use an appropriate email address for job hunting. Avoid using a comedy email address or putting it on your CV. It could cost you an interview or worse your ideal job! First impressions are very important and applying for your next Sales or Marketing job from ivorbigun or juicylucy@.... Is just wrong, wrong, wrong! Job hunting isn’t a joke, it’s a serious business.

For more advice or assistance with your job search contact a specialist Sales or Marketing consultant on 0121 585 6079

Thursday, 15 May 2008

Spring has sprung...........

Does the thought of recruiting your next Marketing Executive or Graphic Designer leave your head spinning? How are you going to fit it into your already busy schedule? Meanwhile Spring has sprung, it will soon be Summer and your need will only become more urgent!
Don’t worry help is at hand, Swindale Parks’ specialist Marketing & Creative recruitment team will ensure you hit your recruitment deadline, in fact we have a large selection of Marketing & Creative specialists already registered for you to choose from. A selection of these are profiled in the latest edition of our Marketing & Creative candidate newsletter which has just been despatched. To make sure you get your copy email us your contact details, alternatively click here to download or view online.

Thursday, 8 May 2008

What dreams are made of.........

Well the Sam Doble Memorial match had it all – international rugby greats, sunshine, plenty of tries and even a visit from the Air Ambulance……what was the final score? we’re not sure actually, we think the scoreboard operator stopped keeping tally after a while and it didn’t appear that any of the massed ranks that pitched up at Moseley Rugby club to watch the entertainment really cared either. More importantly some much needed cash was raised for the Birmingham-based charity Cure Leukaemia to fund its ongoing efforts to develop and deliver new treatments to benefit leukaemia patients.

Swindale Parks’ very own Carl David Booth lined up in the Phil Bennett International XV alongside some former rugby greats who had between them amassed over 200 international caps and even included a couple of rugby world cup winners in Dorian West and Paul Grayson. Carl put in a dynamic performance, energetic at the breakdown and incisive on the attack, he played a pivotal role in two of his team’s scores and he was only denied a try of his own after some stout defending from the Moseley rearguard.

All in all everyone had a great afternoon, except perhaps for Dr Jim who courtesy of a crunching tackle got to take a ride in the Air Ambulance, thankfully his injuries were no worse than a concussion and a broken nose! In his after match interview whilst clutching his commemorative shirt and a cold refreshing pint Carl had obviously enjoyed his experience was full of praise for his team mates, the opposition and the event organizers. He also reserved special thanks for Ian Allen of Clever Cherry for making it possible for him to play a part in such a prestigious event. The after match aches and pains will fade but the memories will live for a lifetime

Friday, 2 May 2008

Feeling the pinch

Comparison site recently reported a £15 increase in the average weekly family food bill, meaning we are spending an additional £800 a year to put a meal on the table at the end of the working day. Meanwhile petrol prices continue to spiral and apparently we can expect a further hike in the price of gas and electricity in the next few months! All of these factors and more are putting extra pressure on the pound in your pay packet and whilst the cost of living continues to rise, does your salary? If not and the likelihood of an increase with your current employer isn’t on the horizon you know what to do, act!

The doom and gloom merchants will have you believe that it is time to batten down the hatches; make economies and sit out the coming financial storm – but what if that isn’t enough? The truth is rain or shine, your sales or marketing skills have a market value and if your current employer won’t or isn’t able to match your own valuation we can help you find one that will. Once we have identified your next potential employer from the long list of premier companies that we have relationships with, your challenge is to demonstrate the value you can add to their business and secure that salary increase! Well it may not be quite that straightforward but you can be assured you will have Swindale Parks full support from the beginning to the end of your job search. If you are feeling the pinch and your lifestyle is beginning to suffer why not give us a call to talk about improving your career prospects…it’s what we do.

Wednesday, 23 April 2008

Look who's back..............

Boxing fan or not you can’t have missed the fact that Joe Calzaghe managed an impressive comeback at the weekend, recovering from the seat of his sequined pants to retain his world champion status and maintain his unbeaten record. Less high profile, but equally important to all at Swindale Parks is our very own ‘comeback’ specialist, renowned for her ability to go the distance; she has punched above her weight throughout her 8 year recruitment career; the office has seemed too big without her (she did take up quite a bit of space when she departed); pound for pound she is worth more to us than gold………….. we are pleased to announce Claire has rejoined the team after maternity leave. Following her very own important delivery and now back at fighting weight Claire is looking to pick up where she left off – delivering results for her Clients and Candidates alike.

Whilst we are all doing our very best to make her feel welcome we are sure she would be delighted to hear from you, whether you are a job seeker after the next step on your marketing or creative career path or a recruiting manager looking to add a value to your team why not get in touch. You can email Claire by clicking here or call on 0121 585 6079.

Thursday, 10 April 2008

At the kind invitation of our hosts at Clevercherry some of the Swindale Parks Recruitment team recently attended the Phil Bennett Sports Dinner in aid of the Cure Leukaemia fund. The event was organised to raise much needed funds for the ongoing support of the clinical haematology unit at the University Hospital Birmingham, known as the Leukaemia Centre. It also gave our very own Carl Booth the opportunity to rub shoulders with the Prince of Welsh rugby himself, Phil Bennett. Having collected his autograph Carl can now however go one better than to say he has simply met one of the legends of world rugby. Due to the generosity of our hosts Clevercherry, Carl will actually be playing with him as he turns out as part of a Phil Bennett International XV versus a Moseley Invitational XV, on Saturday 3rd May 2008 in the Sam Doble Memorial Match at Moseley Rugby Club. I know the team from Swindale Parks will be there offering their support, if you would like to join us please do, all of the proceeds are going to a very worthy cause.

Tickets are available to buy now - also matchday hospitality packages.
Full Details
We have had a busy start to 2008 at the Midlands premier independent Sales & Marketing recruitment agency, the 1st quarter has positively flown by - here is a quick recap of the latest news.
Firstly a big Swindale Parks pat on the back for Jo, who has achieved promotion. This is the first of what I am sure will be very many rewards for over target performance in the months to come! As the latest addition to the
Marketing & Creative team we thought you might like to know a bit more about her……

Worst Fashion Disaster: Every day at school!
Favorite Restaurant: The Bistro on the Square, Aberdovey
Dream Job: Working at Swindale Parks of course!, though think I could also shop for a living!
Met anyone famous: Not yet!
Worst ever job: Thankfully none have been too bad.
Last meal: Chocolate…
Favorite Film: Couldn’t possibly narrow it down past Dirty Dancing, Rocky, or anything by Tarrantino!

And finally we are pleased to announce
Claire will soon be returning to the fold. We have certainly missed her whilst she has been on maternity leave and look forward to our very own ‘Yummy Mummy’ coming back on board.
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